Aniruddha Bapu - Kolhapur Medical and Healthcare Camp 2015
Kolhapur Medical and Healthcare Camp 2015 will be conducted at Pendakhele village, Kolhapur on 31st Jan ,1st and 2nd Feb 2015 i.e. starting from today.
For complete information about the Camp, visit the official blog ,
- Decrease in health related problems amongst villagers.
- The villagers have understood the importance of hygiene and cleanliness and accordingly have started living in neat and tidy manner.
- Decrease in the number of leprosy patients.
- Decrease in spread of contagious diseases.
- Diseases that are borne from contaminated water e.g. jaundice, malaria had completely vanished.
- Proportion of prolonged illnesses has considerably reduced.
- The number of villagers attending the camp has considerably increased. But inversely there has been a decline in the number of villagers been identified as patients.
- Gynecologists happily noticed and mentioned that the needed awareness about having a small family has been created amongst the villagers and many women had opted for family planning operation after they had two children.
For complete information about the Camp, visit the official blog ,
Aniruddha Bapu - Kolhapur Medical and Healthcare Camp 2015
Reviewed by Nikhil Bhalwankar
January 31, 2015

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