Android 5.0.2 Lollipop based NightOwl ROM now enters BETA 8

Android 5.0.2 Lollipop based NightOwl ROM now enters BETA 8. There are lots of improvements and bug fixes done in this build. I am using this build since 12 hours and have not faced any issues. Everything is running smooth.
Below is the BETA 8 changelog mentioned by Bauner (Developer of NightOwl ROM)
- Merged cm changes
- Front cam working
- Use cm12 update-binary
- Updater-script updated to work with the cm12 update-binary
- Selinux enabled (in permissive mode)
- Rescent app switcher is smoother
- Kernel: reworked voltage table
- Kernel: mali 166mhz in first step
- Kernel: wlan driver updated
- Kernel: wifi wakelocks reduced
- Better lowmomory killer values for better multitasking
- Fixed the soft reboot bug on devices with damaged wifi hardware
- Kernel: HTC's async fsync
- Kernel: philz recovery
- Stylus gestures support
- Home button rescent app switcher fixed
- Disabled pre dexopt (Wipe the dalvik-cache in recovery after updating from an older beta!!!)
- New bootanimation from DroidTwe4kz
- Exfat should work
- Not enabled keyboard on clean install fixed
- Kernel/Rom: Trim support (Please read trim Howto)

For complete information about the ROM, visit the below thread from XDA Developer forums:-
Google+ Page of the ROM also has user experiences and issues fixes. Do check this out too:-
Android 5.0.2 Lollipop based NightOwl ROM now enters BETA 8
Reviewed by Nikhil Bhalwankar
February 13, 2015

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